Spray nozzle tips for pvc pipe

PVC pipe is a common type of pipe in the nozzle installation process. It has the advantages of low price, corrosion resistance, and anti-aging. There are many ways to install nozzles on PVC pipes. The first is the PVC three-way thread installation method. When you need to install the nozzle Cut the PVC pipe at the position, then install the threaded tee, and then screw the nozzle on the threaded tee. This installation method is very strong and stable. O1CN01RdVgte21v7MaHTGtd_!!2169867046

In addition, you can also drill holes in the PVC pipe, and then install it with a plastic snap joint. The advantage of this installation method is simple and convenient, and the spray direction of the nozzle can be adjusted freely. O1CN01pYac4c1GaFHbasdYc_!!2043130638

If you are worried about the stability and tightness of the plastic clip joint, you can choose to use the split joint for installation. Similarly, you only need to drill a hole in the PVC pipe, and then install the joint with our attached screws. 3af26d7e7144a9a3bbc49fcd175bf447_20210723093938