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Compressed air nozzle noise reduction

Compressed air nozzles are generally used to dry and sweep the surface of objects, and the noise is caused by the high speed of the injected compressed air, and the air in the surrounding atmosphere is relatively stable. When the two collide with each other and rub, it will emit Harsh noise. There is currently no good solution to this problem. What we can do is to optimize the structure of the compressed air nozzle as much as possible.

After our experimental research, we found that the concentrated and stable airflow produces less noise. Therefore, at the beginning of the nozzle design, we will use the internal slender flow channel, and set a certain taper hole in the flow channel. The advantage of this is that When the compressed air is ejected, it has a stronger blowing force, and minimizes the friction with the static pressure air, so that the ejection noise is lower than other manufacturers’ nozzles.

For compressed air nozzles, the noise problem is currently unavoidable. It can only be alleviated by installing sound insulation cotton around. We are also working hard on the structure of low-noise nozzles and trying to design a series of low-noise compressed air nozzles.