
花园软管喷嘴喷枪有金属和塑料两种材料。 他们的阀门系统采用金属制成,这是为了延长喷嘴的使用寿命。 这种喷头是家用喷头,一般用于花园浇水。 清洁地面,汽车清洁等。

塑胶 花园软管喷嘴 可调节喷雾形状,内部装有分流阀,旋转喷头外圈可改变喷雾形状,更适用。

金属 花园软管喷嘴 is made of all metal, resistant to high pressure and corrosion. By rotating the knob of the nozzle head, the spray angle can be changed. The smaller the spray angle, the stronger the impact force, the larger the spray angle, and the larger the coverage area. It can spray water in the shape of a hollow cone.

