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Air nozzle noise reduction

Noise is inevitable in the application of air nozzles, but we can reduce the noise generated by the nozzle by changing the structure of the nozzle. The specific method is to change the internal flow path of the nozzle during the nozzle design to minimize the internal flow of the nozzle. The turbulence is generated, and the position of the nozzle should be as smooth as possible, and the flow channel should be as straight and unobstructed as possible, so that when the airflow is ejected, smaller turbulence can be produced, which can effectively reduce the generation of noise, but this is not enough. After testing, such The noise is still very loud, so we designed a spoiler at the front of the nozzle, so that when the airflow from a single nozzle hole drives the surrounding static air to form turbulence, it will hit the spoiler and break up the turbulence, thereby reducing the generation of noise. .

For uncontrollable turbulence, we have to avoid it at the beginning of the nozzle design, so whether it is to block the generation of turbulence or use turbulence to increase the nozzle pressure, we have been working hard.

If you want to know more about the technical knowledge of air nozzle noise reduction, please feel free to contact us.